Styrel in brief
Created in 1984, STYREL is an industrial computing engineering and service company.
In particular, it specialises in application computing for industry, real-time embedded computing, and electronics. It can also integrate complete systems for many applications, eg test and measurement, automated system, data acquisition, etc.
STYREL has been a partner of National Instruments for over 20 years, and of Portwell for over 15 years. As a Technology SME STYREL is constantly developing. It wants to remain a high-level technical player and continue to expand its business in the coming years.
At a glance
- Created: 1984
- Registered offices: Plessis-Pâté (near Paris, France)
- Independent SAS with capital of €150,000
- Shareholders' Equity: €2,3 M
- 2018 SALES: €7 M
- Employees: 90% engineers and managers
- Banque de France rating: G3+
- Sites: Greater Paris region, Lyon, Rennes, Bordeaux
- CIR-accredited
- Member of PactePME
Growth in sales

* Forecast
Our activities
Breakdown of activities
The following chart shows the average breakdown of activities:
As a result, we are able to propose complete solutions, including hardware, software and services. Styrel's teams consist of experienced engineers used to working on large-scale projects for major French and European companies.
Strategic partners
We use their products to construct high-added-value solutions.

Founded in 1976, US company National Instruments is the world leader in electronic instrumentation and data acquisition. NI is the publisher of LabVIEW and manufacturer of modular instruments. It provides engineers and scientists with systems that boost productivity, innovation and discovery, by making use of the capabilities offered by industrial computing and PCs. A National Instruments partner for over 20 years, Styrel is one of the leading members of the NI Alliance Partners network in France. This involvement reflects our unique ability to integrate and market NI hardware and/or software in many customer projects, through the large number of NI-certified engineers in our company. In addition, we regularly participate in such National Instruments events as the NIDays.

Founded in 1993 in Taiwan, Portwell is a world-leading manufacturer of industrial IT hardware: chassis, backplanes, motherboards and mini motherboards, computer on module, etc. As a reference reseller and integrator for the Portwell brand in France, we assemble most of the industrial PCs and computer systems that we market using Portwell products and components. Styrel and Portwell - over 15 years of working together and several tens of thousands of machines produced in France for use in all business sectors: aeronautics, defence, medical, telecoms, banking, research, automobile, etc.
Our accreditations and certifications
Styrel is committed to obtaining labels and certifications, proofs of the high quality of our company's methodology.

We have been CIR-accredited and listed on the French Ministry of Research site since 2013. To download the accreditation for 2016-2018, click here.

We are one of the 3,000 member companies of the Bpifrance Excellence network, the network of growing companies supported by Bpifrance.

Styrel is an authorised continuing training organisation, registered under no. 11 91 02 737 91 with the Greater Paris DIRECCTE (the French Regional Directorate for Enterprises, Competition, Consumption, Labour and Employment).

The training organization Styrel is referenced on the DATADOCK. This referencing offers our clients the possibility to benefit fundings from the OPCA, for their training actions. For more information, click here.

Concerned for the environment and sustainable development, Styrel has taken out a contract with eco-organism Ecologic, for handling the recycling and regulatory end-of-life responsibility for our marketed products.